Journal 1: Hot Yoga, Self-Care, and New Beginnings

Hot Yoga

A new self-care experience!

Start slowly, listen to your body, and remember that everyone’s journey is unique.

The heat lingers.

Imagine stepping into a room heated to 95-105ยฐF (35-40ยฐC), rolling out your mat, and working out muscles you didn’t even know you had for an hour with a bunch of other sweaty strangers. When it’s all said in done, you’re tired, sore, and beyond thirsty, not to mention doused in sweat.

And oh my god, I cannot wait to go back.

Weird, right? Hot yoga has challenged my body and mental fortitude in ways I never expected, but it’s the best possible thing. I was never very familiar with yoga, besides following ten-minute stretches on YouTube (which are conveniently free). But a month ago, a friend of mine gave me a free trial link to use an app called ClassPass (which I’m certain is an MLM of some kind, there HAS to be a catch because it’s way too good to be true) which connects you to different workout and health studios through a points or “credit” system.

My ClassPass got me about 40 credits for the free trial, but I have decided to pay for the next month ($50/month, yikes) for 23 credits. I’m gonna downgrade to 13 credits for $30/month, which roughly translates to about $2.23 per credit. So what the heck does all that mean? Well, most yoga, pilates, barre, cycle, smoothies (yes, Nektar Juice Bar and facials and even hair salons let you use ClassPass credits for some reason) or whatever-you-want sessions are about 2-3 credits per session.

So that means I can go to yoga twice a week and strength train the heck out of my body with an expert telling me how to properly plank (something high school never left me capable of doing) for about… $5 per hour. How insane is that???

So yeah, I’ve never ever been a yoga girly or a pink Pilates princess, but man these prices make it so easy. I know this sounds like a major ad, and I’m sure there’s gonna be some catch some time in the future, but for now, I’m loving what I’ve got.


Hot yoga takes place in a heated room with humidity levels typically ranging from 40-60%. The elevated temperature isn’t just to make it look like you’re working out โ€“ though it felt that way at first, to be honest. The heat helps warm up your muscles more quickly, allowing for deeper stretches and more flexibility. It also elevates your heart rate, turning a regular yoga session into a more cardiovascular-intensive workout.

Preparing for Your First Class

Hydration is key: Seriously do not sign up without bringing water. It’s not like you’ll die or anything, but you can get dizzy and feel woozy if you’re not properly hydrated. Even drink water a few hours before class. Bring more water than you think you’ll need โ€“ you’ll be surprised how much you’ll drink.

Choose the right clothes: Don’t be like me and wear sweats for your first hot yoga session (what was I thinking?). Opt for moisture-wicking, form-fitting clothes. Loose clothing becomes heavy with sweat and can interfere with movement. I’ve worn plain t shirts and have been just fine, but just like how long hair can get in the way of complex poses, so can a flowy shirt.

Bring the essentials: A yoga mat, large towel (to place over your mat- seriously, sweaty palms and feet make your mat SO slippery), small towel for wiping sweat, and water bottle are must-haves. I don’t see anyone bringing anything else, besides maybe extra deodorant, one of those single use wipes to wipe down your mat after sweating all over it, or an essential oil roller ball if you’re feeling fancy and in the hippy-dippy yoga moment.

Avoid eating heavy meals 2-3 hours before class. A light snack 1-2 hours before is fine if you’re hungry. This won’t make or break your workout, but it helps to be more comfortable, especially when you’re twisting and turning and moving your stomach around.

Is it Self Care?

I’ve been asking myself this question a lot- is a massage self care? Is spending mega-bucks on fancy face and body creams self care? Is an $8 smoothie self care?

Eh, I don’t know the answers to these questions. I think it’s a balance. So long as you are saving money monthly, can pay your expenses, are eating well and exercising frequently and drinking less and getting enough sleep and socializing with friends on a weekly basis and are indulging in hobbies… Then you’re okay.

Yeah. It’s a long list.

And it’s not achievable all at once, for most people. Take things step by step, and watch them all grow.

I didn’t intend on strength training twice a week, or spending my 5-9 hours working out, playing Dungeons and Dragons, or reading fiction for fun, but it all sorta worked out. And I am so, so grateful for that.

I’m springing into spring with a bounce in my step, and new things to look forward to on the horizon. I have new recipes to upload (check out my new blackberry lavender cobbler here!), Renaissance Faire tickets booked in April, and new places to hike with new friends. I hope your spring is looking as sprung as mine, and if not, that you find a way to make it so.

Thanks for reading! Happy trails!

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